Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hadiah hebat. I just spreading it.

Assalam. and hola~

Walaupun aku tau follower kat blog aku ni tak ramai,
readers pun tak ramai.. 
Aku nak tulis jugak. haha. Ade aku kesah. 

Aku nak share benda best kat korang ni. 
Korang kena buat.
seriously you won't regret it. 
Apa benda yang macam best sangat aku nak share ni.
Relax.. relax.. 
Aku nak ajak korang (para blogger) sekalian untuk change korang punya domain.
Domain tu apa? 
Domain tu macam ".com" or ".my" or ".net"
Sekarang aku pakai domain free under
kalo korang nak pakai domain lain, most of it berbayar la.
Tapi.. tapi.. tapi.. 
ni lah benda best yang aku nak share..
Korang boleh tukar domain kepada ".my" secara percuma..
Yes.. Percuma..
Untuk 1 tahun.. 
dan tahun berikutnya akan di kenakan charge
RM20/year (fixed price)
It's really worth. Biasanya domain berbayar ni
akan charge about RM 200/year.
But now korang hanya akan bayar RM20/year. 
Memang affordable la. 
Aku dah wat dah.
Proses ni take times sket. Around few days.
Walaupun aku bukan blogger tegar, aku nak tukar jugak. hahaha.
Ade aku kesah.
Kalo korang nak change korang punya domain 
 Big thanks to Miss Innanie Ariffin.
Semua step ade dalam blog dia. 
Klik link bawah ni.
sebelum aku terlupa... 
pastikan korang buat sebelum 25 December 2012 ye.. 

Happy changing. Enjoyyyy....

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I am so envy


It have been two weeks since my last update.

I am not busy. It just... I don't know what to write in here.
So today I wanna write about something that I totally envious.
There are two things I wanna talk about.

First thing...
I am so envy with Malay people that can speak (English) fluently.
Plus... they speak with an ACCENT.
Yesterday, while I am so busy doing my work,
I heard the conversation between VW service adviser and his customer.
His customer is a Malay woman. Speaking (En) Canada accent if I'm not mistaken.
I'm so impressive. Really impressive.
I want to further my study overseas. If Allah wills.

Second thing...
I am so envy with someone.
 She told me yesterday
that she will going for Umrah next year (in Mac).
I'm seriously envy.
I wanna go too.
One fine day. If Allah wills.
I just need to prepare myself.
Till the day comes.
Sooner or later.