Assalamualaikum.. oh hello brothers & sisters..
today is the last day of 2011.. hoorayyyy!!!
time moves very fast huh..
so guys... its been a year already...
seems like it just yesterday i created "to-do" lists for 2011...
yeah. times run very fast...
so guys.
how is your 2011?
what happened in this year? what you had achieved?
all your to-do lists had been done?
are you satisfied with your 2011?
me? i am just satisfied. XD
My 2011's short stories
after 8 months.. here she is....

time moves very fast huh..
so guys... its been a year already...
seems like it just yesterday i created "to-do" lists for 2011...
yeah. times run very fast...
so guys.
how is your 2011?
what happened in this year? what you had achieved?
all your to-do lists had been done?
are you satisfied with your 2011?
My 2011's short stories
- Thanks to Allah... i have a niece.. very cute niece XD
congratulations to my brother and sis in law.. (◕‿-)
for having a baby... and congrats to my mum for being a grandma in such a young age.. haha
her name is Nur Qaisara Sofia..
here she is.... was born on 21st April 2011..
after 8 months.. here she is....

- My result for 6th term is err... oh i don't wanna talking about that.
it just worst. horrible. terrible. and
i need to repeat 1 paper... yeah. serious.
that things happen have a reason. the reason is...
i'm not giving my best on that paper.
yeah.. my bad. i know.
- working with my mum. 1 month. (on the fasting month only)
yeah.. selling foods, kueh-mueh, etc... at Bazar Ramadhan.
term break just too long...
so.. get a chance fasting with my family for 1 month. it just wonderful XD
- 7th term started.. that's mean i am a final year students.... hooraayyyy!!!
errr... i am not that happy :p
only a year left before graduate... and
i will give my full blasts on it... pang..!! pang !! booommmm!!!!nice shot!
and gonna make my final year.. AWESOME... !!!! (◕‿-)
My new things in this year
- new cell phone... Sony Ericsson W8 (E16i).. thanks mum.. she bought for me..
that is my salary for working with her actually... haha. thanks anyway mum. XD
- new novels... i just bought 18 novels this year.. huh?? that much? seriously?
yeah.. i am serious. 2 Malay novels and 16 English novels.
- new shoes.. converse. nice one XD and new sandals... just bought it last week XD
so guys.. 2012? just around the corner... its coming... soooonnnnn...!!!
make your 2012's to-do lists now... and make sure to accomplish it.. *wink2*
yeah.. i gonna give my full blasts too... get ready...
fire in the hold... (◕‿-)
.: Happy New Year :.
till then... may peace be upon to you...